Rohinya dish duú fiça

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We should keep in the fore-front of our minds the plight of the Rohingya, a people persecuted and attacked by the military of Myanmar, formerly Burma. There are local families who have been able to flee Rakine State and re-set their lives in Waterloo Region.

They have also shared some of their food culture with us.

Recently, the United Nations has published a cookbook and collection of the life-stories of the refugees and new Canadians. Included in the book is 24-year-old Faisal Mohammed of Kitchener — whose family fled Rakine State when he was 12 years old.

In the collection, you’ll find his recipe for duú fiça, a Rohingya dish.

Kitchener’s Faisal Mohammed (Photo/

For Mohammed, food played a significant role during his time living in a Bangladeshi refugee camp.

“I was interested to be in this cookbook because I wanted to share my experience of how my life was back home. There were food vendors on both sides of the street, and you would walk down the middle. You could smell all different types of snacks and food that you wanted to try,” Mohammed said.

I’ve made the dish — it’s quite sweet but delicious.

For more about Faisal and his recipe, please visit CBC-KW.

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