Explore WR: Six restos for shareables
Call them what you will, but “dishes to share,” “smaller plates”, “tapas” or simply “shareables” add value to your restaurant experience. Sure, you could pick a main course with veg and a starch, but bang! The meal is all over before you know it, and you’re on to dessert.
But not when you share several smaller dishes with friends or family. The dining is enhanced and becomes a shared experience when you explore a series of different smaller plates – it’s just more fun to enjoy and compare a wider variety of flavours and textures.

Here are six restaurants in the Region with shareable suggestions, perhaps for Valentine’s Day (candle-lit or not), a family birthday or other celebration – or just as a way to energize dreary February’s winter weather. And we’ve added a few choices that the chefs would like to share, too.
For more, visit Explore Waterloo Region.