Wander through a pastry shop and you might get a “bee sting” – the bienenstich is a cake made with a yeast dough, almonds, vanilla custard, cream (or buttercream) and honey.
The apocryphal story goes that in the 1500s, German bakers from one village, under siege by raiders and pillagers from a neighbouring village, lobbed beehives at their attackers: the bienenstich was the pastry they made to commemorate the defensive victory.
Bar and staff at Bread Bar Guelph/andrewcoppolino.com.
That might seem a long way from pizza but not when the cooks at Guelph’s Earth to Table Bread Bar are tossing pies: their bee sting pizza throws out preconceived notions of what a pizza can be.
To learn more about this Neapolitan-style pizza, and its balance of sweet and savoury, visit Guelph Mercury.