Tiny Home Takeout on Duke Street
Address: 56 Duke Street West, Kitchener, ON
Contact: tinyhometakeout@gmail.com
Website: https://tinyhometakeout.com/
For ten months, five staff and roughly 135 volunteers have been preparing and serving healthy nutritious meals to people who are without shelter and access to good food in downtown Kitchener.
The Tiny Home Takeout (THT) on Duke Street is the initiative of Father Toby Collins of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Hamilton, along with other local groups. The kitchen and the volunteers, led by chef Amy Cyr, have been very busy since the end of January last year.
“We’ve been rolling five days a week ever since,” Cyr says of the Tuesday to Saturday walk-up service that starts at 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome, and it’s pay if you can.

It might be “Mighty Greek” pizza with Kalamata olives and feta and a daily “bite” of garlic-shrimp chow mein or zesty vegan southwest-style soup.
While food is the kitchen’s main focus, dignity is essential, says Cyr. “We’re ensuring no matter what your economic standing that you’re able to have a hearty, well-balanced and nutritious meal. Food insecurity is a growing issue everywhere, and this area too.”
To read more about THT, please visit Waterloo Chronicle.