Sisters’ Story Coffee: from Peru to Guelph
Several years ago, I listened to a speaker and environmental and social activist, Barton Seaver, in Guelph.
He was talking primarily about the oceans, but he said something else too that has stuck with me given his travels and explorations across the globe; to paraphrase, he said, “Take care of the women of the world and you take care of a lot of other problems in the world.”
He believed that the central crux of many issues we currently face has been our failure to support women in their striving for equality but also in the challenges they face with abuse and factors that include families, children and the environment.

Basically, women run the world in many, many of its components — and they have simply been down-trodden, beaten and ignored (and worse) in every corner of the planet.
This recent story about a women’s coffee Co-op in Peru is improving conditions for women both in the South American country and across Canada. You can help, too, by buying their coffee beans in the form of Sisters’ Story Coffee based in Guelph.
The link to this CBC-KW story is here. Please read it and buy their coffee online!