
Plastic-free July: better 6-pack packaging

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you didn’t know, this is “Plastic Free July.” But no matter the date, it’s important to eliminate needless single-use plastic items across the board.

There’s no need to buy water in plastic bottles, for instance. Just stop doing that! Tap water is just fine, thanks.

As for beer and soda, the plastic six-pack rings are very bad things: they’re bad for the environment and they’re even worse for wildlife. I think we’ve all seen enough animals trapped in, or having eaten, plastic and that’s our fault.

Let’s eliminate nasty plastic rings (Photo/andrewcoppolino.com)

But we also have the ability to improve the situation. So, a shout-out to the Creemore beer folks for creating some responsible packaging.

Their new 355-mL six pack now has an “Eco Six Pack Ring,” or E6PR. Creemore says it’s innovative and the first of its kind. It seems pretty good and durable, too, from what I can tell.

Compostable egg carton-like material (Photo/andrewcoppolino.com).

The “E6PR” is like egg carton material, I would say. It’s made from by-product waste and compostable organic materials. It degrades in only a few days at a compost facility and in a matter of weeks in open land. That is a lot better than plastic.

So, kudos to Creemore Springs. I’d like to see more of this kind of initiative.

Do what you can and recognize that “less can be more.”

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