Celebrate Walper bees for Pollinator Week
An update to an earlier story I wrote for CBC-KW …
You will soon see the Walper’s honey on their food and beverage menus. It will be the first batch of honey from their rooftop hive. So cool!
This is pollinator week.
From the Pollinator Partnership website, you’ll read that, “Pollinating animals travel from plant to plant carrying pollen on their bodies in a vital interaction that allows the transfer of genetic material critical to the reproductive system of most flowering plants – the very plants that:
— bring us countless fruits, vegetables and nuts;
— prevent soil erosion, and;
— increase carbon sequestration.”

You can read more about the Partnership and pollinators here.
Locally, I recently visited the rooftop of the Walper Hotel to see their new beehive. These great little critters are very important to our crops and the food we eat.
To read the Walper bee hive story, please visit CBC-KW.