Tapas and more tacos in DTK
The range of food available in downtown Kitchener is diverse and includes Japanese, Korean, Salvadoran and Ethiopian, to name only a few.
Add to that recent Indian restaurant openings — Sahar’s Kitchen and Jayalakshmi in the east end and Bahar in the west — and diners have an even wider range of offerings for curries, vindaloos and delicious dosas.
But in the last few months, there has been added Latin inspiration to the food already available, and all within a few blocks.
Nestled right beside long-established Portuguese-based Nova Era Bakery, Churrasqueria Madeira is a takeaway specializing in Portuguese dishes and those of the Azores.

Farther along King Street between Benton and Queen is international quick-service Galito’s hailing from South Africa and specializing in Portuguese-style grilled chicken.
While the downtown has a number of well-established and popular venues — Pupuseria Latinos and Guanaquita, for example — selling Central American food and specifically Salvadoran dishes including tacos, two new Mexican restaurants have opened virtually in the same month.
For more, visit CBC-KW.