Retro candy comeback
From Bottle Caps, to bright red “Wack-O-Wax” lips, Nerds, Runts and Laffy Taffy, candy, and particularly retro candy, is having a moment right now.
And while, yes, candy sales are always strong (thanks to their prominent impulse-purchase displays at supermarket check-outs) the impulse to recover a sweet childhood moment is also strong.
Bryan Munn has operated Guelph’s Sweet! Candy and Ice Cream on Carden Street for nine years. The shop is packed with hundreds of candy treats as well as customers who are searching for their favourite candies of yesteryear.

“Nostalgia is our bread and butter here,” Munn said. “We’ve always had candies that I remember from my own childhood in the 70s and 80s. Eight-year-old me would be happy being in this store every day.”
Calling it a “generational” phenomenon, Munn is seeing a renewed interest in 1990s-era DunkAroos: self-billed as “Your favourite nostalgic snack!” the treat is experiencing what he calls a “second life.”
For more visit CBC-KW.