Foraging the wilds of Cambridge

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A walk in the forest with your family during a pandemic lockdown may be just what the doctor ordered in terms of exercise and a diversion from our COVID-19 fatigue – and you might find something good to eat.

However, if you are going foraging – searching the wilds for food – do it with caution and responsibility, says chef, forager and Conestoga College culinary arts instructor Steve Allen.

Dryad’s saddle or pheasant back mushroom (Photo/

“Really the only way to forage is to go with somebody who really knows what they’re doing. The first thing I tell anyone is that if you’re looking at a mushroom or a plant that you are 99.99 percent sure was what your grandmother fed you as a kid, you do not eat it!” stressed Allen.

“It is 100 per cent certainty or nothing,” he cautioned.

When he forages, Allen, a Cambridge resident, compares and cross references, often using a National Geographic app. “If my app says it’s this particular thing, I will look in my books and I can say that’s exactly what it is. Then I might check another source as well. Combine different resources, and you can be confident.”

To read the full story, visit CBC-KW.

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