Big D’s for hot chicken in DTK

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With three small tables, seating capacity at the new chicken takeaway in downtown Kitchener is already maxed out as more people enter.

Passersby stop to read the window signage — intrigued by the activity — then note the lineup inside and move on.

They’d do well to return because they won’t be disappointed: Big D’s Hot Chicken puts up quite a good sandwich.

Directly across King Street from Ace Shawarma, sister restaurant (Photo/

Directly across the street is the success story that, for the most part, inspired Big D’s: Ace Shawarma (which I noted here late last year).

Owners and brothers, Irfan and Qasim Darsot opened Ace in 2017 — their first entry into restaurant hurly-burly — and its popularity has been steady.

Both are Cambridge born and raised and have since opened a second Ace location, with production kitchen and headquarters, at Franklin and Bishop ….
For more, visit Waterloo Chronicle.

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